Indian Prostate Cancer Foundation in association with PRSI,Chennai Chapter hosted an All India Poster competition on prostate cancer awareness. IPCF received 70 entries from various cities in India. The response was very encouraging with students , professionals and the general public participating in the event . The entries received showed the effort put into understanding the disease and emphasis on early detection thus achieving the goal of conducting the contest - awareness about prostate cancer, its symptoms, treatment modalities and importance of early detection.
The entries were judged by a panel of eminent judges from various walks of life who lent their expertise and perspective in their respective fields in judging the winners.The judges were Dr. Prithika Chary - Neuro physican and neuro surgeon, Mr.Vijay Bobby - Advertising and media consultant and Dr.Ponni Concessao - Leading architect and artist. The winners were judged on the categories - Concept, Caption , Technique and Creativity. Importance was also given to adherence to the rules of the contest, spelling, grammar, and how striking the entry was as a poster. With many great entries both digitally and hand drawn the judges decided on giving ' Special mention ' awards apart from the prize winners. The ' Special Mention ' awards carry a cash prize of Rs.500 each. IPCF would like to specially appreciate Mr. Sreenivasan , 78 years old from Nanganallur for his enthusiasm in participating . His was the first entry recieved.
IPCF would like to congratulate and thank all the participants. Certificate of Appreciation will be mailed to all participants and their work projected on our website and facebook page.

MBBS, Internship running (2011 batch) at C.U.Shah Medical College, Surendranagar, Gujarat.